The original Mass Effect is probably the main reason I am happy I have a 360. It is also the main reason Bioware became my second favorite developer on my all time list (headed by Square Soft, now Square Enix).
Mass Effect 2 is something I have been waiting for ever since the amazing finale of Mass Effect. If Bioware delivers on Mass Effect 2 as well as I hope and with the amazing Dragon Age still occupying my 360 drive they will become my number one developer on Square will be bumped to number two. But Final Fantasy 13 comes out in March so the position could be short lived by Bioware.
Anyway Mass Effect 2 is going to be amazing the universe that Bioware created is amazing the original made me feel like I was exploring a real universe and fighting to save mankind and all the allied races. In short I am salivating so much over Mass Effect 2 that I can't even seem to focus on the fact that I get Assassin's Creed 2 in like a week and a half.
If you haven't played the first Mass Effect you can get it for cheap from the EA store (like 10 bucks) or from Gamestop (but only on the PC I think) and it is well worth the money trust me.