One of the greatest games I have ever played, and has been taking up most of my gaming time over the last few weeks. Bioware is officially my favorite game developer, as great as Dragon Age was Mass Effect 2 makes it feel like a sub par pile junk, and I loved Dragon Age.
All right let's start with things I don't really care about Graphics, this game is gorgeous I mean seriously beautiful. There are so many little details like the ads that float in 3D style off of the walls.
The sound track is one of the most inspirational and moving scores I have ever heard in a game or movie before. The dialog is top drawer on par with the Uncharted series, not to mention all the star power that fills the cast. The sound effects are perfect making the weapons and powers feel effective and solid.
The gameplay is great, all of the little problems with the combat in the original game were fixed and the combat really feels like a third person shooter without loosing the RPG elements. The weapon and armor system has been stream lined to let you focus on the story and gameplay and I wasn't disappointed in that change at all. I did have to say that the loss of the Mako is a win lose situation all of the side missions are much more accessible this time since you didn't have to ride around a plants surface to find them, however I am not a big fan of the new scanning and mining of plants to get materials to upgrade your weapons, armor, and ship.
The story, okay I have never been in a situation in a game where I thought I would die and be able to come back, but in the finale of the game after i had all ready lost three crew members (I mean I actually saw them die in front of me and I felt pain and loss because of it) I really thought I was on the verge of death by the end of the game, I was not sure I was going to make it and I didn't breath easy until I had gotten the heck out of there.
In closing this is one of the most impressive games I have ever played in my entire life, if you are even at all interested in it go get it. If you want wait a few months until you can get it cheap, but at the very least give it a try you will not be disappointed.