All right so we all know that I was really excited for Splinter Cell Conviction. Sometimes you get so excited about something that you are let down when you finally get your hands on it. This is not what happened. Conviction blew me away, let's break it down.
The gameplay of Conviction has done for stealth action games that the original Splinter Cell did, it revolutionized the genre. It is no longer just about waiting and sneaking or getting spotted and having a mission end, in some parts this still happens but for the most part the game focuses on ingenuity. Using your area and tools to solve a problem, and there are so many ways to this.
Graphically the game is done well none more so than the CQC (close quarters combat) kills that are done with a silenced pistol in your hands.
The audio is great, the explosions, shots, hits, and music are great. But everyone knows the most unforgettable thing about Splinter Cell's audio is Michal Ironside's voicing of Sam Fisher. He has an amazing voice and can really convey emotion and intent in his control of it.
The single player mode is not very long and I have not played the multiplayer but I did finish the co-op campaign as well. Let me finish by saying that the co-op is better than the single player in every way and as much as I loved the single player mode I think this is the greatest co-op mode ever made.
If you like action games and always liked the Splinter Cell series but never felt as bad ass as you should have while in control of Sam Fisher then get this game now.