Okay so with summer school over and a few weeks before Fall semester I have been picking up used games at Gamestop beating them and then returning them. We call this a Gamestop rental, it is a neat little loop hole in the Gamestop used game practice that I use when I can. It let's me play a lot more games than I normally would otherwise.
Since there are 4 games to review I am just going to say a little summary about each.
Aliens VS Predator: I liked this game but only as the Alien or Predator playing as the human felt way off. Also this game could have been much better than it was. I still think that the real time worlds team who made crackdown (which I still haven't reviewed I know) should make a Predator game. That would rock.
Transformers War for Cybertron: This game was amazing. They finally got transformers right, I felt like I was in one of the great comic story lines. The cast of transformers, the abilities, the locations, and the story line were top notch.
Battlefield Bad Company 2: This game was better than MW2 and I loved all the destructible environments in it. Not a game I would keep but a fun rental none the less and a game that deserves it's following unlike MW2.
God of War 3: The God of War series is great and this was an awesome way to finish the series. Giving the story line and Kratos both a great finale. I loved every second of it.
Okay so there we go. I will post my Crackdown review soon....well maybe. I do have more gaming responsibilities to attend to.