So two very different things to talk about today. First of is Left 4 Dead 2 by Valve. I love this game, it is better than the first and still the top tier of Zombie game fun. If you want to shoot your way through a zombie Apocalypse play this game. Also it is best enjoyed with friends.
Now as for the Playstation Move, when I first saw this I was not interested. I thought Sony was trying to just pull the Wii crowd in. However last E3 I saw somethings (namely a game called Sorcery) that made me change my tune. After I got my hands on it myself I was blown away. To be fair I have only played the sports champions game and a demo of the eye pet. But the degree to which sports champions follows and reads your movements sold on this tech instantly.
All we need now is for Lucas Arts to make a the force unleashed (or a similar star wars title) controllable with this. I can not wait to see what Sony has in store for this wonderful little device.