Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom is what I would call a sleeper hit (much like Enslaved) it is a game that got lost in the tidal wave of Holiday releases and will dwindle away into obscurity.
That said I enjoyed this game the story line is predictable and it revolves around our hero Tepeu finding and freeing a golem called the Majin to fight a darkness that has overtaken the kingdom.
The graphics are simple but the art style is great giving real life to the world and characters as a whole.
The sound is diverse and deep, the dialog has been referred to as bad, but I would more attribute it to being written and delivered like it was made for a Saturday morning cartoon.
The gameplay is a mix between Sly Cooper (with the combat and stealth flow) and the Legend of Zelda or Metroid where you have to acquire items to access new areas and defeat bosses.
All in all this is a solid title that any adventure fan would enjoy. I would recommend it more as a rental that a buy simply because it is short and doesn't really have any incentive to play through again.