First off I played two very different Fighting games. Mortal Kombat and Marvel vs. Capcom 3, as much as I love Marvel and Capcom I was not very impressed by this game. It played very erratically it was a complete button masher and there just didn't seem to be any tactics to the combat. Mortal Kombat on the other hand I was pleasantly surprised the fighting felt smooth and there was very deep levels of tactics on how to approach different encounters. If I had to recommend only one I would say go with Mortal Kombat instead of MvC3.

The next two games I have been played are both in a very similar boat and it is also the same situation that Tron Evolution found itself in and I liked that game too. It seems common place lately that games that aren't shooters keep getting bad reviews and I often wonder if it is because the market is so saturated with first and third person shooters that reviewers are somehow brain washed into thinking that if a game doesn't give you a gun then there is something wrong with it. Anyway first off we have Hunted the Demon's Forge, a fun and frantic hack and slash game with a few flaws but very solid mechanics and an intriguing story line to boot. I have high hopes for a sequel to this game so that the developer can fix the problems that it faced.

The last one, and one I bought on a risk, is Captain America Super Soldier. I picked this game up despite the many reasons that I shouldn't have: first it is a marvel game produced by Sega and they have a horrible track record thus far with the two Iron Man games and the Thor game; second that it is a licensed movie tie in game and frankly they are always less than good. But I love Captain America, he is my favorite Avenger, and my second favorite Marvel character overall. This game is not an amazing game, the story is a side story from the movie so at least they avoided that pit fall but it is not very deep as action adventure games go and the platforming is more of a following a line sequence than an actual platforming area. The thing that I love about this game though is that the combat is amazing, it runs on a free flow combat engine very a kin to Batman Arkham Asylum, and as Captain America with the shield it is even more fun than in Arkham Asylum. I highly recommend this game simply because I love the Cap, also as a side note the Movie was fantastic and you must all go see it.
Okay so that sums up the last few weeks of my gaming and I won't blog again until after the move. So read or not take my advice if you wish but don't be so quick to judge some games just because they aren't First Person Shooters.