Yes I am back and yes it is with age old new. But come on I didn't get Skyrim until Christmas and it took me until now to really feel that I have given it a proper run. 155 hours in I have beat the main quest, completed everything for all the guilds, and brought the storm cloaks to final victory. Not to mention everything else I have done on the way. Truly this game is one of the most engrosing experiences I have ever had. I will finally start to put it away on the 6th or March when Mass Effect 3 finally comes out.
Graphically this game has a lot going for it despite some downfalls here and there it is a fantastic feat in everything it accomplished.
The sound is great especially the dragons screaming magic shouts at you. The dialog is great too better than Oblivion in every way.
The story line in this game depends on what you mean by story. They main quest is fantastic as well as the civil war but I loved the guild stories the most, my favorites were the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves guilds. No matter what you do this game is full of amazing stories and characters.
The gameplay is as always great Bethesda has a fantastic formula. They give you a plethora of tools and let you go to town with them. I never have figured out what play style I have....am I an assassin.....or a mage....or a warrior....or a sneaky assassin mage warrior.....I don't know.
So anyway go play this game.....or you are dumb.