Okay let me start this review by saying that according to sale reports everyone in the world owns this game right now. Also I had this game for less than a week simply because I didn't enjoy it. Let me explain.
The FPS genre is the most over saturated in the business, there are so many crap games and so many poor game mechanics that you have to be careful what you put your trust in. First off there is no excuse to have a shooting in this current generation of gaming with out having a cover system. I don't mean the ability to crouch behind a box or step behind a wall, but the system that Rainbow Six uses so well sticking to cover and entering a third person view.
But this is not my problem with Modern Warfare 2, my biggest problem is that I feel like I have just witnessed a historic election, where all the politicians are making these huge amazing promises and then once they are in office nothing happens. The first Modern Warfare was enjoyable and had some really good movie moments. But this was supposed to top all of that and it didn't.
The campaign was lackluster after playing games like Uncharted 2. It is hard to see a game with so much hype and talent and then have it end up being unimpressive. Don't get me wrong the game as a whole is not bad but it suffers from the developers relying too much upon frat boy fans who don't seem to mind poorly developed games.
Everyone keeps trying to tell me that the multiplayer is where this game shines, and that is all well and good except for a few problems; first off if you have a game that is going to be all about the multiplayer do it right like MAG and make an online only game, second if you are going to have a single player campaign then make it worth while don't try to hang your game on the multiplayer.
All in all the game was made by a talented team good graphics and physics, good dialog and a decent story idea, the problem is that there are too many reasons why this should not be the best selling game of all time. This is the perfect example of what is wrong with the gaming market today. Games like this are the top of the heap and amazing games like Beyond Good and Evil don't even have solid sequels yet.
In closing all I have to say is that gaming is more about head shots and teenagers swearing at each other. Gaming has evolved past all that and is more substantial today so remember that next time you pass up a game like Shadow of the Colossus and instead buy Madden or Call of Duty and ask yourself if you are a real gamer or just some frat guy with a 360.