I know it wasn't that long ago, but this game is still my favorite shooter series to this day. Rainbow Six Vegas did everything right and I loved every thing about this game. I played this game over and over until part two came out.
The game-play was great because there was not only cover, but actual tactics behind it all. Using your team and your tools was how you got the job done, instead of trying to "Halo" or "Call of Duty" your way through by just "running and gunning". The amount of weapons you could choose from allows you to handle any situation as you see fit.
The sound was stellar, the explosions, firearms, and dialog were amazing.
The graphics are still viable today (granted this is a current gen game), and the recreation of Vegas was vivid.
The story was full of betrayal, intrigue, and believable characters. It kept you engrossed the whole way through until the end.
I may eventually post about the sequel because it was just as good if not better. Tactical shooting does not get better than the Vegas series.
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