Okay so a lot of people look at this game as a kids game. Yeah in a lot of ways it is and there are numerous nods to old school games. But after the mention of Demon's Souls by having a girl say she had sticky white stuff in her hair (play demon's souls and you will understand) I realized that this game was going to be hilarious.
Graphically this game is very simple, a bunch of 3D blocks make up everything. But it is vibrant and so well done that you be wishing they would just remake the original Legend of Zelda like this.
The audio is very basic, but the sounds and music make me think of Zelda, and Dragon Warrior, and even Crystalis on the NES. I loved it.
The story is simple PRG fare, ancient evil was defeated and now it is coming back and you must follow in the foot steps of the ancient hero blah blah blah. But all the references to other classic and new games is simply amazing. If you don't laugh at these then you are too young or you are not a real gamer.
The gameplay is par for the course. Travel to dungeon, check; find special item, check; kill dungeon boss, check; rinse and repeat. The glory of this game comes from how well all of this is done and how fun everything is. Having a sword that shot beams out when you were full health was great in the Legend of Zelda. But having a sword that is longer that the entire screen and four times the width of your character when you have full health is genius.
The game is short, and it is very much an homage to titles like The Legend of Zelda. But with a $40 price tag it is hard to say no to something that let's you relive the good old days with out making it feel old.