Okay Yeah too long I am aware. In fact I have this review , Alpha Protocol, and 3D Dot Heroes. But first to the matter at hand.
I love the old west. I was first in line to by GUN on the PS2 and I loved it because it was the best western game that had ever been made. And then Rockstar did what they do best and released Red Dead Redemption it has forever changed my gaming history.
Let's start with what matters least in this game, the graphics as an open world game it of course has weird random hiccups, in fact quite a few have been posted on youtube. But it does feel worn and leathery like the old west should.
The sound is impressive, the weapons all make the right snaps and bursts. The animals, people, and atmosphere all shine. The voice over work is great with Marston sounding absolutely like he should.
The gameplay is great the dead eye slowing down and picking your shots give you a satisfaction of disarming a guy shooting off his hat and then blowing his face off. There are few things as fun ans lassoing a guy of his horse or dragging someone behind you with it while you are riding your horse.
The story for this game is standard fare, outlaw who has to go back and take out his old partners in order to redeem himself. The way the story plays out is what makes it great hitting high marks on all wild west fares. Stage coach chases bounty hunting, shootouts, and high noon draws.
The multiplayer is great the coop is so much fun, and I haven't even tried the new coop story mode download that came out a couple of weeks ago. I am also looking forward too the zombie ghost town download that is coming soon.
This game is one of my top 5 of all time. I have no fears that Rockstar will make another due to the great sales figures. So if you have not tried this game go get it. And I will see you online.
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