Let me start off by saying I love Star Wars, I have been a huge fan my entire life. Also I loved the original Force Unleashed and all I wanted for the sequel was more of the first but with more fluid controls. I got my wish
I have been seeing this game get hammered all week long by reviewers and I think their complaints are frivolous. I have a hard time with the whole video games are art argument because I really believe they are. However I believe video game reviewers are becoming too much like movie reviewers. I keep seeing movies that I love getting poor reviews because they were "filled with mindless action" or "have bad special effects" etc... This is starting to happen with video games as well.
People have bashed Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2 for being a game where all you can do is "go crazy with force powers" I'm sorry did you just complain that you can pick up a guy, impale him with your lightsaber, charge him up with force lightning, and then throw him into a group of his friends making him (and all of them) explode. Not to mention you will actually get an achievement for doing it?
Come on people since when did it become bad to have a game where the whole point is to have fun? the game has good graphics, great sound (all the Star Wars staples are present), and fun game play. Don't argue with me about convoluted story lines that you can't understand (I think it was pretty easy to follow), or repetitive game play.
TFU 2 plays pretty much like this, enemies appear, use lightsaber or crazy force powers to wipe the floor with them because you are a total bad ass move on to next room where enemies appear... They complain about this, yet when our market is flooded to bursting with FPS games that have you do the same thing except replace lightsabers and force powers with um....guns?....this suddenly becomes amazing?
If games like Modern Warfare 2 and Halo get great scores when they have mediocre campaigns and are only still being played for the multiplayer we have a problem. Why have we forgotten that games are supposed to be fun and are not about owning newbs in a death match scenario. Since when did we let our world become populated with dumb ass mentality that makes you think you only rock if you can shoot enough people to get access to a nuclear strike?
Please people if you liked the first game or want to be a bad ass Jedi with crazy force powers play this game....let's give Lucas Arts an excuse to keep giving us a chance to feel like an over powered ninja samurai wizard combination. Sure beats the hell out of being another space Marine.