SO I am about 2/3 of the way through Castlevania LoS and I love this game. It is getting a lot of comparisons to God of War and I have to say it does everything GoW does right. I will be posting my review once I have finished the story line and unless it manages to really do something wrong in these last few hours then this is easily competing with SotN as my favorite Castlevania game.

Star Wars the Force Unleashed is my favorite Star Wars game to date. It actually let you feel like you had force powers and despite the criticism that it received this game revolutionized what a Star Wars game could be. I will be getting it next and I am getting the collectors edition because it offers a lot of in game additions and a little bit of swag.

Fable 3.....anyone who knows me knows that I am a Fable fan. If not for the first Fable I never would have bought an original XBOX and in all honesty the reason I bought a 360 was for Fable 2. So yes I am getting Fable 3 and yes I am getting the Limited Edition. It releases on the same day as Star Wars TFU2 but I had to order it so it won't arrive for a few days after.

Fallout, there is not enough praise that can be placed on the Fallout series, and Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games of this generation. So yes Fallout New Vegas is my Christmas morning gift, I am waiting for it even though it comes out in a couple of weeks because I want a deep game for my winter break between semesters.
Okay so that is my line up for this season. What about you? Let me know in the comments below, and before I get harassed about Medal of Honor and Call of Duty.....yeah I like FPS games but I rarely play them for more than a few weeks, so I usually borrow them or pick them up used later on.
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