Yes I know that Just Cause 2 came out last year, in fact it came out right near Red Dead Redemption which is why it took me almost a year to play it. But I had some interest in the game and it wasn't until recently when I stumbled upon a bunch of videos on YouTube about it that I decided it was finally time to pick it up.
To put something right out there this game has a ridiculous set of characters and an even more ridiculous story. But Just Cause 2 is not about story and the developers knew that.
Graphically the game is right on cue with the current generation but the level of draw distance and the amount of stuff that can happen with out a frame rate drop is impressive.
The sound effects are great making explosions rock and gun fire different for each weapon. The dialog is ridiculous, it isn't actually horrible because it is delivered well like the actors knew they were reading a B movie script.
The gameplay is.....well in truth it is completely ridiculous too, but the awesome side of ridiculous. Seriously where else can you tether a guy to a gas tank and shoot it sending him miles into the air only to have the tank explode and watch him fall to his death. Or ride on top of a jet like a surf board and jump off it at the last minute as it does a nose dive into a gas refinery. And lets not forget your parachute that seems to be able to replicate itself so you always have one to use but every time you release it it still floats off like any other parachute would.
This game get extra love from me simply for the fact that there is an island with little Easter egg secrets dedicated to the TV show LOST. Like the crashed flight and the hatch, not to mention the smoke monster (who doesn't actually hurt you but is just creepy) All in all this game is silly but extremely fun, at this time I have about 45 hours of play time and there is plenty left to do because like all sand box games after you finish the story you are free to roam the world and complete other tasks.
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