Best selling game of all time? This is a joke right? Our gaming universe is over saturated with FPS games and some of them are great (Rainbow Six Vegas series), some of them are awful (Like that Rouge agent one or whatever it was called), and some of them are just levels of okay (Battlefield series, MW series, and COD series).
I finally played this game months after release because I keep getting bugged about playing it. I had it for about 48 hours before it was returned to Gamestop. Seriously the multiplayer was stale. Most FPS multiplayer is lame to me after playing so much MAG. The campaign wasn't bad but it wasn't great either, the set piece moments in it were nothing compared to something like the Uncharted games. The graphics, sound, and gameplay are all capable for our current generation but nothing to rave over.
Honestly I see no reason to own this game, like most FPS games it felt pointless to go back after the campaign was finished, and the only saving grace this game has is a zombie mode where you can play as JFK, Castro, and a few other political officials from the 60's.
Seriously people if games like these keep getting bought in such large numbers they will keep making them. We need something to break up the monotony in our current gaming trends. More projects like L.A. Noire (see below), or anything from team ICO, and maybe more like Heavy Rain. Honestly we just need games with more depth, enough with this FPS train that we all seem to be riding.
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