I am not a fan of the path that modern day gaming is currently on. We are dominated by first person shooters left and right and all they do is churn out copies of the last game or attempted copies of it over and over. Where as games that follow a gameplay pattern but are not shooters are constantly called repetitive (Starwars the Force Unleashed for example) but please give me a gun and let me run for a few minutes and kill some guys and then see a set piece please.
The only shinning ray of hope I have for the shooter genre is from Tom Clancy, his three dominate game franchises (Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, And Splinter Cell) brings the tactical aspect to this genre. Thus the reason as to why I was excited for Ghost Recon Future Soldier, and I was not disappointed.
Graphically is where GR suffers at all, sometimes the game is gorgeous and other times it gets a slap of ugly. Like a character that is of set or clipping into the scenery. However over all the game is pretty and the interface and art direction are excellent.
The audio is fantastic every combat sound is amazingly mixed through my surround system. All the weapons and tools have perfect quality and carry what they represent quite well. The voice over work carries the story and makes you actually connect to the characters involved.
The story is pretty predictable sometimes but throws some nice curve balls that help build tension and drive to push through what you are faced with.
The gameplay is a prefect tactical masterpiece, the perfect way to enjoy this game is with friends that have a patient and tactical mentality. If you go run and gun you will get put down by the enemies in seconds especially in the later levels. But if you are able to watch the opposition and plan accordingly you will come out feeling like the unstoppable team that you are. There is also a great thing called "gunsmith" where you can customize your weapons in every way from the paint on the outside all the way to the trigger mechanism on the inside.
The multiplayer is actually fun too, there are two different ways to play multiplayer. Either co-op or competitive, the co-op has two separate ways as well one is the campaign or course and the other is a tactical horde mode called guerrilla. Both are fun and have different styles that help you change up what you are doing if you are getting bored. The standard multiplayer is pretty addicting, playing as squads that have objectives makes a fast paced battlefield and you never feel like you can rest, which is good. It also excels at giving you experience for every action that you do. Even if you don't perform the current objective you are given points for supporting your squad, reviving them or killing an enemy together, or even taking out a guy firing on your buddy.
All in all this game is fantastic, I now there is some DLC on the horizon for the multiplayer but I hope that some campaign DLC will be added as well so that we can complete some more missions as the Ghosts. If you are craving a tactical shooter experience pick this up and dive in you will not be disappointed.
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