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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Quick Review

Okay so I played these three games recently, I got LIMBO half off, Harry Potter and Halo Reach I borrowed from my Nephew. I will be doing single paragraph reviews for each of them.

First Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. In my opinion the best Harry Potter game out there, The open world Hogwarts is great and it made the game feel more under my control. I also liked using the right stick for spell actions. One question I have when it comes to Harry Potter is why there is no MMO for this universe yet?

LIMBO is a fantastic game, it is very short but infinitely re-playable because it is just fun to play. I hope they make more games like this I really like this company.

Halo: Reach is the best of the series, it plays better in every way and I loved playing the campaign with the Noble finally feel like your teammates can actually fight.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Yeah I am on a bit of a FPS kick right now. I picked up Bloodstone, Singularity, and Killzone 3 at Gamestop about a week ago when I traded in some of my old stuff. Anyway Singularity is one of those shooters that I think is highly under rated. I like shooters that have more to them than just go here shot that guy repeat, it could be unique weapons or gameplay elements. Singularity has both of these things.

Graphic wise it is a standard looking game on today's systems. There are some cool effects with time manipulation and some great art style but nothing that I will remember forever.

The sound is mixed well and provides a nice atmosphere for the creepy factor this game has sometimes. The dialog is also well done, even if some of the accents feel fake.

When it comes to gameplay it feels like most shooters in a lot of ways. However the time manipulation device (TMD) brings a lot of variety to how you play. It does just what it says it does manipulates time, you can age people past dust or revert them to giant crazy blind fetus looking things that go crazy and try to kill everyone. You can also do all this to things in the environment, you also have other powers like a time bubble that freezes time inside it, and a push back melee attack.

I really think that Singularity is a shooter that you should play if you want an FPS with more variety to it. The story line is very cool as well and I think would make a great movie.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I know this game is pretty old but I borrowed it from my Nephew because I like the Naruto series. Just to sum up this game, if you like Naruto you will like this game. It starts at the battle between Orochimaru and the Hokage and goes through the fight between Naturo and Sasuke when he runs away. So I liked it but if you don't like Naruto don't play this game.

As James Bond games go this is not the best one out there. However it is not the worst by far, The gameplay is fluid the shooting works well. The close quarter takedowns are fun to watch. The driving sequences are amazingly done and I think are the most Bond worthy parts of the game. The story fits well into the Bond form and I think it would work just as well as a film. The two problems I have with this game are first that I beat it in 5 hours and secondly is that the skin mapping for the characters is awful. Everyone looks like restructured burn victims, it is just creepy. I would recommend this game as a rental but not a buy.