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Friday, October 9, 2009

Your Turn

So I have yet to receive a single comment on any of my posts and I realize that I have been talking a lot and not opening the floor to your comments. So instead of posting the giveaway today, or another review, or what I am looking forward to.

I want to know what all of you are looking forward to this Holiday season, or if you have gotten a game in the last few weeks that you want to recommend go ahead and mention that too.

I still plan on posting this week's FTW later this evening but I was getting tired of ranting and decided I needed to hear from my readers. So go ahead the floor is yours I will check back in a few hours after I get out of class. So if you have a question for me don't think I am ignoring you, I will get to it later today.


  1. This year there are two games I really want to get, BRUTAL LEGEND and MODERN WARFARE 2.

    They are different games. One being a funny brawler. The other one, a shooter.

    I think the biggest draw for me on both of the games has got to be story. BL looks like it will have me laughing a lot while MW2 looks like the best action movie out there.

  2. Yes Brutal legend looks great, the demo was loads of fun. As for MW2 I'm sure I will play it eventually but most shooter games now a days don't really do much for me anymore.

  3. I really want to play Brutal Legend. I'm also waiting for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 on PC/Mac, as I heard that the Wii version sucks, and I'm not in the market for another console right now.

  4. Yeah I hear mixed reviews on MUA2 some say it didn't deliver on it's promises. Others say it is amazing, I am poor and so have not played it.
